Add Ghost Pictures to The Gallery

Your Ghost Pictures

Ever so often we will receive pictures from guests that are believed to be paranormal in nature. Here at the “Your Ghost Pictures” page we will feature any and all photographs that some of our guests have sent to us. Are they real ghost pictures? That’s for you to decide and discuss. We will include a description when we are sent any information on the suspected ghost pictures, but we do not always receive a description along with the photo.

Lately we have started to recieve more pictures, so we decided to create this ghost pictures gallery to feature the pictures that are sent to us. This makes sending Mostly Ghosts your ghost pics much easier. To add your photos to our ghost gallery, use the upload form at the bottom of the gallery. After we approve your submission, it will be added to the photos here at “Your Ghost Pictures”.

Ed: We apologize that at the moment we are having some technical issues with the gallery and uploader and will try to get them back as soon as possible. Please check back.

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Upload your ghost pictures below. We will review and add to the gallery asap. Thanks for your submission and we look forward to seeing your ghost pics!

[ngg_uploader id=5]

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