
Black Forest Entity – A Colorado Haunting

In 1990, Steve Lee and his family moved into what they thought was their dream home, but what would soon become one the most documented and debated hauntings in modern history. Continue reading

Houska Castle – The Gates Of Hell

Houska Castle is located close to Blatce in the Czech Republic. The old structure dates back to the 13th century and has a very strange history, to say the least. The castle sits in a peculiar place, with many people wondering why a castle would have ever been built there at all. However, a legend attached to this ancient structure may answer that question. Continue reading

Chernobyl Ghost Town

Around 25 years ago, tragedy struck the Ukraine in a town known as Pripyat. Pripiyat was a town built around a nuclear reactor known as Chernobyl during the 1980's. The town was home to many of the workers at Chernobyl and their families. However, one night in April of 1986 changed the town and everyone near it forever. Continue reading

Ghosts Of Coiba Island Prison

Sitting in remote waters of the Pacific, surrounded by shark infested waters, is one of Panama's most disturbing and haunted places. Continue reading

Aspley House Pub Ghost Caught On Film?

Regulars at the Apsley House in Southsea, Hants, England have long talked about the ghostly presence of a former barman that lingers within the pub. Bar patrons have reported cold spots, feeling a "presence" in the bar and even Continue reading

Couple Sues Landlord After Moving Into Haunted House

Bed sheets pulled from the bed during the night, whispers that seem to come from nowhere and invisible forces pulling at your clothes. It may sound like the latest horror movie, but one New Jersey couple claims that it happened to them..And they are suing because of it. Continue reading

Ghost Videos : Colburn’s Bar and The Exploding Ashtray

Colburns' Bar in Humble, TX has become quite popular recently. The popularity is not so much for the cold drinks and friendly atmosphere. It's for the ghosts. The ghosts that caused an ashtray to explode, to be exact. Continue reading

Playground Poltergeist – Haunted Swing In Argentina

You may have heard of this haunted swing in Argentina, otherwise known as the "Playground Poltergeist". There is a swing on a playground in Argentina that locals claim is haunted. The people there have good reason to believe that there is something supernatural going on, because this swing has been swinging all by itself for over fifteen years. Continue reading

Japan’s Suicide Woods | Aokigahara

Anyone visiting the forest known as Aokigahara, at the base of Mt. Fuji in Japan will be met by signs as they enter the legendary woods. The signs do not welcome you, or provide a map. Instead the signs urge visitors not to do the unthinkable and kill themselves. Continue reading

Island Of The Dolls – World’s Creepiest Place?

Just south of Mexico City, in the middle of the Xochimico canals is an island like no other. The island has thousands of inhabitants, although they might not be what you expect. Scattered all over the small island are broken, decaying dolls. The dolls are hung from trees, placed on the ground and just about anywhere else you can think of, earning it the name "Island of the Dolls" or "Isla de las Muñecas". Continue reading
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