
The Real Exorcism Of Emily Rose | Anneliese Michel

actual audio footage of the alleged demonic possession that inspired the movie "The Exorcism of Emily Rose". The actual girl that the film was based on was named Anneliese Michel. Anneliese was reported to suffer from major psychological episodes that lasted from age 16 until she died in 1976, at the young age of 23. Continue reading

Real Demons | Are Demons Real?

Demons or Jinn appear in practically every culture and religion worldwide. Tales of demons date back to the beginning of recorded history and thousands of people worldwide still fear demons and the evil associated with them. Continue reading

Types Of Ghosts

It is important to know that not all ghosts are the same. There are different types of hauntings that can occur. Whether you think you may have a ghost of your own, or you plan to try investigating a certain type of haunting, it is wise to know what you may be dealing with. The major types of hauntings that have been identified by paranormal investigators are listed below with a brief description. Continue reading
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