
11 Year Old Boy Snaps UFO Picture

Eleven year old Jack Brody was playing outside of his Epping Forest, UK home on May 27 2012, when he spotted something strange in the sky. Continue reading

Aspley House Pub Ghost Caught On Film?

Regulars at the Apsley House in Southsea, Hants, England have long talked about the ghostly presence of a former barman that lingers within the pub. Bar patrons have reported cold spots, feeling a "presence" in the bar and even Continue reading

Demon Behind Sofa? Viral Ghost Picture

This picture has gone viral on social networking sites, and claims to show a Demon behind the sofa. The image is definitely creepy. Continue reading

Is Nicolas Cage A Vampire?

Is Nicolas Cage A Vampire? This may sound far fetched like the plot of Cage's latest film, but to one man..It's true. The photograph seen here was taken in 1870 and is said to be 100% authentic. The man who owns the 140 year old picture says it was found in the back of a book containing "pictures of the dead". Continue reading
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