
Jinn (Demons) Blamed For Girl’s Disappearance In Saudi Arabia

Jinn, also known as demons or "Genies" to some have been blamed for the disappearance of A Yemeni girl that has been missing for nearly a month in Saudi Arabia, a newspaper reported on Thursday. Continue reading

Bermuda Triangle Theories – Top Five

The Bermuda Triangle is a geographic area with it's points being at Miami, Florida, the island of Bermuda, and San Juan Puerto Rico. In this area, over the course of time, many different aircraft and boats have mysteriously disappeared without a trace, leading many to believe that the triangle has something unusual about it that is swallowing up people, planes, and boats. Continue reading

Unexplained Artifacts Baffle Scientists

There are those that believe that as a species, we do not know as much about our history on this planet as we may think. We faithfully believe what science tells us. It isn't until artifacts like the ones you are about to see that we begin to question what we have been taught. We begin to wonder what else we may not know, or are yet to find out. Continue reading
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