Is My House Haunted?

Bumps in the night, shadows and unexplainable occurrences happen in many homes. Much of these experiences can be attributed to the house settling, airflow through a house, light reflections and more. If you have found yourself wondering if the strange experiences you’ve had could be something more than just coincidence you may be wondering “Is My House Haunted?”

The first step to deciding whether or not your house could be haunted is to do some investigating. First, you need to know the history of your home. How old is your house? Who owned it before? This may seem tedious but many haunted places have a story behind them. Were there ever any traumatic or high energy events that took place in your home or on it’s grounds? Just because your home is only a few years old does not mean that your house cannot be haunted. In fact it is a misconception that only old, dark and cob web filled houses can be haunted. Suppose you decided to build a house on the Gettysburg Battlefield. We all know the tragedy and pain that transpired there. Many paranormal investigators believe that the grounds themselves hold an energy of their own. So in addition to the house history you should also find out about the land history as well.

Talk to locals. Ask locals who have been around for awhile if they know anything about your house. You don’t have to say “Is My House Haunted?” You can just ask if they know any history.  You may be surprised at just how many people know more about your house than you do. Also, if there are any spooky ghost stories associated with your house, folks are usually quick to tell you.

Verify Claims. This step is often overlooked even by seasoned ghost hunters. Check your local library and other sources of public records. Decide which stories have validity and which do not. You may even be able to start connecting your own experiences with the home’s history.

Survey your home. Is there scientific explanation for what you have experienced? Checking to see whether or not there are high emf readings in or around your home could answer some of your questions. Sometimes it could be as simple as the electrical wiring in your home that is causing your haunted experiences. High levels of electromagnetic energy has been known to cause paranoia and even hallucinations. Sometimes these EMF’s can happen naturally within the earth. They are also associated with the manifestations of ghosts and spirits. So if there are no obvious sources of the EMF but you can detect spikes that are associated with haunted happenings, you may just have a haunted house. These detectors are readily available online and are usually not very expensive.

Talk to what you think may be causing you to wonder “Is My House Haunted?” You can buy a digital recorder and record your one sided conversation. Just like you may have seen famous ghost hunters do on tv, you can play it back and even enhance or analyze your recordings with free software like audacity. You might find out that they weren’t one sided conversations after all. This may seem awkward at first, but this method of investigating has yielded some of the most startling evidence of the paranormal during recent history.

Another important step to deciding if your house is haunted is to look within yourself. Are you normally a completely sane and rational person? Do you take any medications that could be causing the feelings that your house is haunted?  As funny as this sounds..Have you bumped your head? Sometimes brain injuries do not manifest themselves instantly and abnormal feelings including hallucinations could be a sign of something far scarier than a ghost.

What If My House Is Haunted?

If you have exhausted all of the above steps and are convinced that your house is haunted, you may want to call in professionals at this time. There are professional paranormal investigators out there who can not only help to verify your experiences but can counsel you as well. They can help you with the obvious reaction of horror upon discovering that your house is haunted with real ghosts.

Afterwards it’s time to decide  how you feel. Does knowing that your house is haunted make it even more interesting or fun to live there? Are you ready to pack up and move out as quickly as possible? Fortunately most cases of hauntings are not harmful or dangerous to the residents. It really is more spooky than anything. Some have even grown to accept that there house is haunted and consider the entities within their home “friends”. There are no promises that you will have such a friendly ghost, however.

Finally, if you decide to sell and you have discovered that your house is haunted, it is required in many areas that you disclose this information. So when your potential buyer asks “Is My House Haunted?” You just may have to say yes.

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