Ghost EVP Recordings

Ghost EVP recordings are some of the most fascinating forms of paranormal evidence on earth. Various methods have been used to capture these creepy recordings and they seem to keep piling up as ghost investigations continue around the world.

We have dedicated this page of our website to EVP Recordings and the study of electronic voice phenomenon. We have posted various evp examples, links to great resources and articles dealing with the EVP phenomenon. We encourage everyone to send us their evp clips, so that they can be added and analyzed by our visitors. We hope to gather the largest online collection of EVP Recordings. We hope that this section of our website can be used to study, share and learn more about the evp phenomenon.

We will also be featuring an evp clip each week for our visitors uninfluenced interpretation. Far too often we hear ghost evp recordings that come along with captions or information that tells us what the investigators believe they have heard.

Our brains naturally try to decipher confusing sounds or images in order to understand them or make them familiar. It’s almost like a natural change management that our brains can handle and pinpoint. When you have been “told” what an evp says, you are far more likely to hear nothing but what you have been told to hear. Our ghost evp interpretation clip will give everyone a shot at posting what they believe the evp clips contain. We will then post the official interpretation at the end of each week. To listen to this weeks evp clip, visit our Mystery EVP page.  Below are a few examples of EVP Recordings and more information about electronic voice phenomenon.

Ghost EVP Recordings

Evp Clips| Not Dead
The evp clip above was captured by Vicki Talbott. Her son Braden, had passed away far too soon. While attempting to contact her son, she received this message that seems to say “Braden’s not dead.” Was he trying to reassure his mother that he was indeed still around?

EVP Clips | Tell Her It’s Satan!

This evp recording was made after Martha Copeland had started to capture a disembodied voice that seemed angry or “grumpy”. Convinced that the voices were from her long dead grandfather, she asked the name of the grumpy one and got this chilling response which seems to say “Tell her it’s Satan!”

EVP Clips | Hi Kalaya
The above ghost evp was caught by Melissa Bailey. Melissa’s father had passed away from cancer and Melissa’s niece can be heard as she says hello to him. A very clear response believed to be from Melissa’s deceased father can be heard saying “Hi Kalaya.”

What is EVP?

EVP also known as electronic voice phenomenon, is an increasingly popular form of paranormal evidence that is regularly collected by both amateur and professional ghost hunters. These often creepy audio recordings are usually detected later in an investigation while reviewing evidence and are not audible at the time that they were recorded. Many investigators regard EVP as indisputable evidence that ghosts exist.

It is said that even Thomas Edison was designing an EVP device before his death, although these claims have been heavily disputed, saying that Edison did not believe in an afterlife.

Electronic voice phenomenon is usually recorded using a common digital recorder that can be found at many department stores for one hundred dollars or less. The sound footage can then be analyzed and enhanced using audio software such as audacity, which can be found for free on the internet. This makes capturing evp’s possible for anyone with the desire and patience that is sometimes required to obtain real paranormal evidence. Sometimes hours of footage is analyzed before an evp is discovered. Other times, these ghost voices are right on cue and easy to detect.

Some of the first true evp recordings were captured by a man named Fredrich Jurgenson while recording bird songs in Sweden. He had heard no voices until the playback and he claimed that some of the voices even instructed him on how to record more evp’s.

Many skeptics have pointed to radio interference as an explanation for these ghost evp, but no real explanation has been provided that explains the recordings completely. Many of these recordings seem to have an intelligence and often respond ( sometimes on command) to the person recording the evp’s. Appropriate answers are given to questions and sometimes angry or even threatening messages have been recorded by paranormal investigators. Various methods and devices have been used to capture these recordings, including the Ghost Box (Frank’s Box) which has been increasing in popularity.

The Ghost Box was created in 2002 by Frank Sumption for real-time communication with ghosts and spirits.  Sumption believes that he was given his design instructions from the spirits themselves. If you are looking to build your own Ghost box, here are the plans from Sumption –> Ghost Box

So What is the explanation for this strange phenomenon? Nobody knows for sure, but many paranormal investigators have all the answers that they need. Many people who have heard the voices of loved ones that have passed away on an evp recording need no further explanation either.

So are the strange and creepy voices captured so regularly by Ghost Hunters Real Ghost EVP Recordings? Are we talking to the dead? You be the judge. If you have any recordings of your own and would like to share them on, please use our submission form or send to You can also hear more evp clips and learn more about ghost evp, by exploring our pages tagged with EVP . Below are a few useful links for anyone wishing to learn more about Electronic Voice Phenomenon.

Captured your own EVP’s? Send your recordings to!

EVP Resources

Association TransCommunication – Formerly known as AA-EVP this organization is one of the best places to learn about EVP and hear many great examples and stories.

Audacity – This free software is very popular and useful for editing, analyzing or enhancing EVP Clips that you have captured.

EVP Ghost Sounds – This website has a variety of evp recordings and is also an excellent website dealing in ghosts and the paranormal.

EVP Wiki

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