
Do Ghost Hunting Apps Really Work?

Imagine that you lived during a time before X-rays were discovered. If somebody from the future told you that there are invisbile forms of energy all around you that can go right through your body, and that you would be… Continue reading

Island Of The Dolls – World’s Creepiest Place?

Just south of Mexico City, in the middle of the Xochimico canals is an island like no other. The island has thousands of inhabitants, although they might not be what you expect. Scattered all over the small island are broken, decaying dolls. The dolls are hung from trees, placed on the ground and just about anywhere else you can think of, earning it the name "Island of the Dolls" or "Isla de las Muñecas". Continue reading

Ghostly Image Captured by Demolition Crew

A demolition crew in Kendal, Crumbia snapped a photo just before demolishing an old Victorian Guesthouse (Meadowbank House). When the picture was developed, the crew was stunned to see what appears to be a ghostly woman staring out of a window in the Victorian home. Continue reading

Is Nicolas Cage A Vampire?

Is Nicolas Cage A Vampire? This may sound far fetched like the plot of Cage's latest film, but to one man..It's true. The photograph seen here was taken in 1870 and is said to be 100% authentic. The man who owns the 140 year old picture says it was found in the back of a book containing "pictures of the dead". Continue reading

Is Ghost Adventures Real?

Is Ghost Adventures Real? This is a question asked by millions of people by now, as The Ghost Adventures crew and Zak Bagans have soared to popularity. Continue reading
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