Being Human Series Has Haunted Set?

The original BBC version of the popular television series “Being Human” may have paranormal activity that extends beyond their acting scripts.

Sinead Keenan who plays a werewolf in the television show about a group of supernatural housemates, including vampires and ghosts – has claimed that creepy and unexplained things happen to the cast while filming. Keenan claims that the set of Being Human may be haunted by real ghosts.

Keenan revealed: “Some strange things happened on the set of Being Human – Alexandra Roach, who played the zombie in episode three, was wearing red nail varnish, but when they took a photo of her and printed it off, two of her nails were black.”

Other reports of haunted activity have surfaced from the set of the BBC television series and have many wondering if the paranormal theme of the show may be causing Being Human stars to experience the supernatural first hand.

The popularity of the show has inspired a newer American version of Being Human that can be seen on the Syfy channel. Although the concept of a ghost, werewolf and vampire being roommates seems almost childish and ridiculous, the show is surprisingly entertaining and fun to watch. Being Human has many adult themes and is in no way geared towards small children. It’s definitely a fun show to follow once you have learned each character and their interesting histories.

They eventually come across as more “human” than anything and the viewer can often forget that they are man eating wolves, blood sucking vampires and scary ghosts, which is more than likely the writers intention and the inspiration for the title “Being Human”. You can learn more about the television series Being Human below.

Official Being Human BBC

Being Human on Syfy


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